Male to Female Crossdressing Tips

Crossdressing can be a disaster for a new beginner if you dress at your free will and do not know the do's and the don'ts. Today, we are going to offer you some crossdressing tips for beginners, which also adapt for transgenders.

1. Do not overdress
Do you love to dress up in beautiful gowns and frilly dresses? However, if you are going to step out in public, overdress is the last thing you want to do. In fact, it is the fastest way to attract unwanted attention and unnecessary scrutiny. Instead, you best option is try to blend in with the women around you. Spend time observing how women in your area dress, how formally or casually do they dress. Do they wear skirts and dresses or stick with pants? What kind of accessories do they wear? Use this as a guide for your own outfit, but don't be afraid to have some fun with fashion.

2. Dress to flatter and feminize your body
Fashion is all about creating an illusion that is better than reality, which means you should wear clothes that flatter and feminize the body rather than calling attention to the masculine parts you want to hide. Here are several tips to keep in mind. First, wear full or a line skirts that flare out at the waist to create the illusion of bigger hips. Second, choose skirts and pants with pleats and gathers to add fullness to your lower body. Third, Downplay a broad chest by wearing dark colors on the top and light colors on the bottom or a shawl to cover broad shoulders and muscular arms of you are wearing a skimpy top. Forth, wear V-neck tops to create slimming vertical lines down your chest. Fifth, wear snatchy waists and baby doll dresses to disguise a big belly.

3. Choose a soft hairstyle
You face is one of the first things people notice about you. One of the best ways to feminize your face without any surgery is to choose the right hairstyle. The number-one rule is to choose a soft hairstyle that has a softening feminizing effect on your facial features. Soft waves and whiskey layers are great for softening angular features and for disguising a square jaw line. Also, consider the color highlights are great options since they look much softer than a solid block of color. Stay away from harsh tones that don't go out with your natural coloring. The wrong color will give you a harsh and masculinized appearance faster than anything else.

4. Don't wear too much makeup
Just like you shouldn't overdress in your daily life, neither should you overdo your makeup. Makeup is meant to conceal what you don't want people to see and highlight you do want them to see. If you wear too much makeup, you highlight everything and just draw the wrong kind of attention to yourself. A dramatic look is fine for the evening, but wear lighter during the day. Emphasize your eyes or your lips and keep the rest neutral.